Monday, January 11, 2016

Stunning Taco Ring Recipe

Here is a family favorite recipe for you today! We like to call them Taco Rings but you can re-name them however you like. They are a great, easy meal and the best part is, you can easily make enough to feed a small family or a crowd!


2 packages Cressant Rolls
2 cups Honeyville Freeze Dried Meat*
1 cup Honeyville Freeze Dried Cheese
4 tsp. Taco Seasoning
Salt to taste
Honeyville Powdered Sour Cream


Re-hydrate meat and cheese according to package instructions. Layer cressant rolls on a baking sheet to form a circle. Once meat is re-hydrated stir in taco seasoning and salt to taste. Spoon meat onto the longer end of cressant rolls, spoon cheese onto meat, leaving the top of the cressant roll (top of triangle) free of meat/cheese so that you can cover it. Flip tops of cressant roll over mixture and tuck in the ends. Bake according to package instructions. Cut up taco toppings and display in the middle once baked.

See below for pictures. A visual is always helpful!

*I used 1 cup Honeyville Freeze Dried Chicken and 1 cup Honeyville Freeze Dried Ground Beef. Half the ring was chicken, other half ground beef.

Recipe By Honeyville Test Kitchens

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BBQ Quesadilla Recipe


All amounts are based on you and your liking:

Honeyville Freeze Dried Cheese
Honeyville Quick Cook Black Beans
Honeyville Dehydrated Green Onions
Honeyville Freeze Dried Pineapple
Honeyville Freeze Dried Chicken
Honeyville Freeze Dried Corn
Honeyville Powdered Sour Cream
BBQ Sauce


Re-hydrate cheese, black beans, green onions, pineapple, chicken, and corn according to package instructions. Mix all re-hydrated ingredients, cilantro, and BBQ sauce together in a bowl. Put a tortilla on a griddle, spread mix on top, cover with another tortilla, and once cheese starts to melt, flip it over and continue to heat thoroughly. Make sour cream according to package instructions. Top with sour cream, avocados, more BBQ sauce, etc.

Enjoy! You will never want another "cheese" quesadilla again!!!

Created by Honeyville Test Kitchens

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Council on Foreign Relations - Time to Attack Iran


Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders

Remarks by National Security Adviser Jones at 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy

"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today."

Army Regulation 210–35 Installations- Civilian Inmate Labor Program

The National Defense Authorization Act: Our Disappearing Rights and Liberties

Alton Lu

Back in the beginning stages of the War on Terrorism, President Bush enacted the Patriot Act. This allowed the government to spy on citizens, monitoring their activities in order to discern whether or not someone is a terrorist. It brought about changes in law enforcement that allowed agencies to search phones, financial records, etc.
One of the most controversial aspects of the law is authorization of indefinite detention of non-U.S. citizens. Immigrants suspected of being terrorists would be detained without trial until the War on Terrorism finished.
On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed a law known as the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2012 fiscal year, or the H.R. 1540. Congress passes this act every year to monitor the budget for the Department of Defense. However, this year the NDAA bill has passed with new provisions that should have the entire country up with pitchforks.
Normally, this is just an act which details the monetary calls of the Department of Defense which is passed every year. However, the act passed for the 2012 fiscal year changes the bill and can be seen as an extension of the Patriot Act. Now, the indefinite detention has been extended to U.S. citizens as well. If people are spied on and suspected of being terrorists, they may be detained indefinitely without trial.
In a country famous for the belief that one is innocent until proven guilty, this is an upsetting change that is being foisted upon the American people with many unaware of what it means.
The provisions of the Patriot Act allow the government to spy upon U.S. citizens and the NDAA allows the government to whisk a citizen away for no reason other than being suspected of terrorism.
So why has this law been passed when it is very easily seen as unconstitutional? The Fourth Amendment grants liberty from unreasonable seizures, while the Sixth guarantees every U.S. citizen a trial in front of a jury. No matter what supporters of the bill might have said about the provisions being misunderstood, the simple fact is that it is unconstitutional.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has made arguments for this provision, stating that the law would apply for US citizens' turncoats who have aided Al-Qaeda or other associated organization. He gave a long-winded story of how a U.S. citizen might fly to Pakistan to receive terrorist training, then return home and shoot down fellow citizens a few miles from the airport.

It's a disgusting show that Graham is pulling. He has made an example of how a single U.S. citizen might become a turncoat and because of that possible risk, the citizen's right to a trial and jury has been abolished.

Supporter of the NDAA, Representative Tim Griffin stated in the Daily Caller:

Section 1022's use of the word 'requirement' also has been misinterpreted as allowing U.S. citizens to be detained, but this provision does not in any way create this authority. This provision must be read in the context of Section 1022's purpose, which is reflected in its title and relates solely to 'military custody of foreign al Qaida terrorists.' The term "requirement" does not mean that detention of U.S. citizens is optional under this provision.
He merely states that the people have 'misinterpreted' the provisions within the bill.

This is a situation in which they are able to detain U.S. citizens, but they won't because that's wrong. I will repeat: "They are allowed through the NDAA to detain U.S. citizens, but they won't because that's wrong."

Similar to Griffin's response, President Obama has released a statement regarding the H.R. 1540
Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.
President Obama says that his administration will not authorize the indefinite detention of American citizens. Yet Obama also said that he would close Guantanamo Bay. Obama also said he would recall the troops from Iraq within 16 months of taking office. Obama also said he would end the Bush tax cuts.
It doesn't matter the reason these promises were not kept. What matters is that they weren't. Obama says his administration will not authorize the indefinite detention of citizens. But that could change. The interpretation of this bill can change on a dime. These politicians who say there is nothing to fear could quickly change whenever they see fit.
These implications grow larger as we know there is no single accepted definition of terrorism present in the United States. The State Department defines terrorism as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience."
Under this definition, the entire United States can be seen as terrorists. The government had planned the operations in Iraq and has resulted in over 100,000 civilian deaths. It can also be said that the U.S. is changing views of terrorism throughout the world... influencing an audience. Terrorism cannot be specifically defined as attacks against the United States; therefore, the United States might have been terrorizing parts of the Middle East.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has stated that there are laws regarding terrorist suspects in America in place by the Department of Justice. Issues such as having an armed weapon or having a food supply lasting at least seven days can be grounds for terrorism.
I look to my well-supplied pantry filled with foods my loving mother had purchased from Costco. I'm not one to count it all, but I'd say it would last my entire family over a week.
My father legally owns a handgun. There's something about protecting his family that is important to him, so he keeps a gun nearby.
I am writing a story that is against what the politicians in Washington have voted for. Can I be seen as aiding Al-Qaeda because I am attempting to change the views of the public to something that is against government; because there is a gun in my home and we have a well-supplied pantry?
Can I be seen as a terrorist under the definition of terrorism? Yes I can. Will I? I hope not.